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Meaningful ways to pass time at home during COVID-19

Hi, we hope you are healthy and safe!

We pray for the souls of those who died unfortunately due to corona virus infection (COVID-19).

The corona virus infection has spread all over the world and its momentum has not diminished. The virus is evolving and mutating. The European strain of cover19 is spreading intensely to the east coast of America. United States has the highest numbers of infections and deaths from covid19. The American government is in a dilemma between restarting the economy quickly or listening to the medical experts and do more testings first. Under such circumstances, doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are working around the clock to treat those infected and to save as many lives as possible. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies continue to do research to find a vaccine and treatments quickly. We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to those who work hard to improve the world. Please remember to take care of yourself too! We (the public) are supported and protected by such acts of good faith. We should try to reduce the burden on them and think about how to support them. At first and at least, we want to keep our health good. We should avoid going outside unless it’s necessary. If we do need to go to out, we need to wear mask and practice social distancing.

Remember to wash hands your hands with soap and keep your house clean!

By the way, it is not good for our health to stay in the house for many day. It is OK for resting the body for a few days.Too many days can cause us to become stress.

We want to share some useful information with you about what you can do to decrease your stress during covid19.


This is our third blog for 2020, it is about “ Meaningful ways to pass time at home during COVID-19”

In Japan, meditation in Buddhism (座禅:Za-Zen) is used to stabilize mentality. Recently, we have been paying attention to the word “mindfulness” Besides walking, jogging, and training in a fitness club, people are also practicing yoga in India and Tai Chi in China since the past.

We can do easy way for the meditation. The easy way is to close your eyes, take a deep breath, breathe through your nose for 5 or 6 seconds, hold your breath, down to the stomach, hold your oxygen up, and slowly breathe through your nose for 12 seconds.This is called abdominal breathing and can help you calm down and relieve stress after a few repetitions.You can't feel the effect if you do it only once. Like anything, it's important to continue.We think this helps send oxygen to the brain through the blood from the lungs. It helps your blood flows smoothly. When people do Za-Zen meditation, they can feel pain in their legs even from sitting on the floor for 5 minutes. Buddha says human have 108 Anxieties. In our daily lives, we all suffer from frustration, stress, worries, anger, sadness, money problems, and other life problems. Being trapped in something makes your heart unstable.

Meditation by Za-Zen is to focus on quietly closing your eyes, taking multiple breaths, and eliminating various thoughts. Forget numbness and pain in your feet. It’s a selfless environment where extra thoughts don't occur. It's easy to describe in words, but it's actually very difficult to do it. But if you can repeat the training it, you will be able to calm down and reduce your stress. When you are doing this meditation, it is said that alpha wave or theta wave occur inside the brain. It increases concentration and helps with relaxation.

Normally, we don't live with breathing in mind but it seems that focusing on our breathing and taking a deep or slow breath is also effective. This is one of the static ways to relax.

Another active way is to do what you like. Yes, it is to do your hobby. (example: drawing art, playing guitar or piano, cooking, playing sports and so on) Hobbies are a good way to pass time quickly. If you listen to music for relaxing, we recommend classical music like Mozart or Chopin’s piano. The healing music is good too. During this time of quarantine, we should try to use our creativity and the right brain as much as possible. We think that by focusing on something else other than keeping inside, you can ease your mind and relieve stress.


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Thank you very much for reading and taking your precious time with us.

See you again on our next blog. ======================================================

Ozu's Organic Matcha Pastry L.L.C.

Naoki and Michiko Ozu

Central New York, USA

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